Values, quality approach and CSR strategy

Values: The actions of the O3 cooperative group are based on 3 values and principles of action that revisit the CSR acronym: Responsibility, Solidarity and Expertise.  


The value of responsibility within the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY cooperative group is central. It manifests itself on several levels: towards employees, customers and society as a whole. First and foremost, responsibility means guaranteeing a safe, respectful working environment that is adapted to the needs of each employee, particularly those with disabilities. The Group is committed to providing its employees with optimal working conditions, and to ensuring their well-being.

Responsibility to customers means a constant commitment to providing high quality services that meet the most demanding standards. The O3 Group ensures that all its business practices are ethical and transparent, helping to build lasting relationships of trust with its business partners.

Finally, at a societal level, O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY feels responsible for promoting a culture of inclusion and diversity. The Group carries out awareness-raising activities to encourage other companies to adopt similar practices and to understand the importance of integrating people with disabilities into the workplace. By upholding these values, the Group is contributing to a fairer and more equitable society.

As part of its activities, the Company seeks to be socially useful. Its aim is to provide support to people in vulnerable situations, either because of their economic or social situation, or because of their personal situation, particularly their state of health or their need for social support, or to help combat their exclusion.

The Company has been certified as an adapted company by the French government, thereby promoting the professional inclusion of people with disabilities, particularly those with autism spectrum disorders. The company is developing inclusive working methods, in particular by means of telecommuting.


Solidarity is at the heart of the cooperative group's identity. This value manifests itself in the way the Group supports its associates, by putting in place mutual aid solutions and fostering a culture of collaboration. Each member of staff works as part of a team in which they are encouraged to help their colleagues and share their knowledge to overcome common challenges. This mutual support creates a harmonious and stimulating working environment, where everyone should feel valued and supported.

Inclusion cannot be achieved without collective awareness. That's why O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY makes it a point of honour to educate all its stakeholders about disability issues. Awareness campaigns, workshops and training courses are regularly organised to inform and educate employees, partners and customers about the realities experienced by people with disabilities. This approach aims to break down stereotypes and promote an inclusive corporate culture that respects diversity.

By promoting solidarity, O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY not only strengthens internal links within the company, but also helps to weave a wider network of support that benefits society as a whole. The cooperative group is also developing an ambitious sponsorship policy, supporting several associations each year that are developing innovative inclusive solutions.


Expertise is a fundamental pillar of the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY group's mission. The group relies on specialised skills and in-depth knowledge of the business to offer quality solutions to its partners. This expertise is developed through ongoing investment in employee training and professional development. Each employee benefits from a personalised training plan, enabling them to develop their skills and excel in their field.

The O3 Group not only trains its employees, it also constantly seeks to innovate. By adopting the latest technologies and adapting to changes in the market, O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY maintains a high level of competitiveness and relevance in its offerings. This ability to evolve and adapt is essential if we are to meet customer expectations and offer innovative, effective solutions.

What's more, the Group's expertise is reflected in its ability to personalize services and respond precisely to the specific needs of each customer. O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY's in-depth understanding of the requirements of different sectors enables it to provide tailor-made services, guaranteeing the satisfaction and loyalty of its partners.