The O3 cooperative group

The O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY cooperative group is a major player in BPO (Business Process Outsourcing). Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the practice of outsourcing certain business functions or processes to a specialized service provider. This approach enables you to concentrate on your core business by delegating specialized tasks to our experts.

Our expert services cover a wide range of activities, from human resources management (recruitment, payroll, HR and social data management), financial services (accounting, invoicing), to more specific functions such as the management of supplementary pension processes or specialized customer support, or the management of IT systems.


The O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY group has the infrastructure and stable, skilled workforce to deliver high-quality services at controlled costs.
This agility is particularly valuable in a constantly changing economic environment.

O3 EXPERTS implements best organizational practices, which translates into productivity gains and superior service quality for your stakeholders. Our approach is always part of an innovation strategy geared towards excellence. With a particular focus on inclusion, we ensure that our solutions are accessible to all. As a trusted third party, the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY cooperative group offers partial or total management delegation services, while promoting an inclusive working environment.

Indeed, the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY cooperative group has set itself the mission of promoting the professional inclusion of people with disabilities, particularly those suffering from Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This mission is not just an objective, but a passion that guides all the Group's actions. By raising awareness of this issue and creating an inclusive and adapted work environment, O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY proves that it is possible to transform lives and build a more inclusive future for all.

"At O3 EXPERTS, we are convinced that work is a source of fulfillment and self-fulfillment, provided that it is collective and meaningful. Aware of the difficulties faced by people with disabilities in gaining access to employment, we want to implement innovative digital and organizational solutions to facilitate the professional inclusion of everyone, and in particular of people with autism. [

Their time at O3 EXPERTS should enable them to develop their talents and skills in a stimulating, friendly and adapted environment. This time spent at O3 is intended to be a real springboard".

Benoît Pontroué, President

A Mission of Meaning and Commitment

Since its creation In 2017, the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY group has been committed to providing a working environment that values the unique skills of each individual. This approach is based on a profound conviction: every person, whatever their disability, possesses talents and abilities that can be put to good use within the company. By developing specific training programs and adapting workstations and work organization, O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY enables its employees to reach their full potential and transcend their disabilities.

The Importance of Stakeholder Acculturation

Inclusion cannot be achieved without collective awareness. That's why O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY makes it a point of honour to educate all its stakeholders about disability issues. Awareness campaigns, workshops and training courses are regularly organised to inform and educate employees, partners and customers about the realities experienced by people with disabilities. This approach aims to break down stereotypes and promote an inclusive corporate culture that respects diversity.

Specific and adapted work organisation

To enable its extraordinary talents to flourish, the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY group has set up a specific work organisation. This is based on several essential pillars:

  • Adaptation of workstations: Each workstation is adapted to the specific needs of the employee. This may include ergonomic adjustments, adapted technological tools or flexible working hours.
  • Personalised support: Each employee receives personalised support from professionals trained in the particularities of different disabilities. This support aims to develop employees' skills and help them overcome any obstacles they may encounter.


  • Environnement Inclusif : L'environnement de travail est pensé pour être inclusif et accueillant. Des espaces de repos, des salles de détente et des zones de travail silencieuses sont mis à disposition pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des employés.
  • Formation Continue : Les collaborateurs ont accès à des programmes de formation continue pour développer leurs compétences et leur employabilité. Ces formations sont adaptées aux besoins individuels et aux exigences du marché du travail.

Sustainable, high-quality solutions

The O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY group is committed to providing expert, sustainable, high-quality solutions that meet the business expectations of its partners. By capitalising on the skills and talents of its employees, the group is able to develop innovative services that are distinguished first and foremost by their excellence. This approach not only satisfies our customers, but also enhances the value of our employees' work, boosting their self-esteem and professional integration.

Ongoing growth

Since its creation in 2017 , the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY group has experienced continuous growth. It has supported more than 200 employees in 7 different locations. This expansion bears witness to the relevance and effectiveness of the model proposed by O3. With its 100 cooperative partners and business experts, the group aims to become the most successful medium-sized adapted cooperative in France.

Testimonials and experience feedback

To better understand the impact of the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY group, it is important to give a voice to those who benefit directly from it. Testimonials from employees, partners and customers provide a concrete measure of the benefits of this inclusive approach.


"The quality of our work is undeniable"

Last June, I was lucky enough to take part in the launch of an assignment in partnership between O3 Experts and AG2R. I say luck because I discovered a company that cares about the well-being of its employees, and does everything it can to promote the work of people with disabilities. The results are more than positive. The rigor of the staff has resulted in an undeniable quality of work. I hope this partnership will serve as an example for future projects.

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Antoine, O3 employee

"The adjustments to my workstation have enabled me to overcome my difficulties"

At O3, I finally feel understood and respected. The adjustments to my workstation have enabled me to overcome my difficulties and give the best of myself.

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Pierre-Antoine Varin

"We are happy to support and recommend this company"

Here, it's the state of mind that counts; in this respect, the O3 Experts team has proved to us that it lacks neither will nor skill. We are happy to support and recommend a company that demonstrates every day that disability can find its natural place in a demanding professional world.

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Julie, O3 employee with ASD

"I've found a job that respects my needs and values my skills!"

Working at O3 has transformed my life. I've found a job that respects my needs and values my skills. Thanks to the personalized support and ongoing training, particularly in stress management and self-confidence, I've been able to develop new skills and feel really useful.

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Challenges and prospects for the future

The O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY group is facing a number of challenges to continue to advance employment and inclusion. Raising awareness of disability remains a major challenge, as does the development of new support and training programmes. The Group is determined to meet these challenges by relying on its partners and the values of solidarity and cooperation.

To meet these challenges more effectively, O3 EXPERTS has developed the JOBTSA platform.
JOB TSA is a free, practical, double-entry guide for employers, employees and people with ASD to facilitate the inclusion and employability of people with ASD.

The JobTSA platform

While more and more companies are recognising the unique talents and skills of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), they are still finding it difficult to integrate into the labour market in France. Yet Autism Spectrum Disorder is not a barrier to employability, but rather a difference in the way people think and function.

This practical guide will help you understand autism and share tips on how to facilitate the inclusion of people with ASD in the workplace, with explanatory videos and role-playing exercises to help you validate your understanding of the issues. This guide will also give you access to a wealth of resources to help you expand your knowledge or find support in your endeavours, as well as allowing you to play a quiz with your colleagues and friends.

Future objectives

The O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY group has clear ambitions for the future. Our priority objectives include

  • Increasing awareness of diversity: Continuing to raise awareness and train stakeholders on disability issues to promote ever greater inclusion.
  • Developing new sites: Expand our geographical footprint by opening new sites to welcome more employees.
  • Innovating training and work organisation: Introducing even more innovative training programmes tailored to changes in the labour market.
  • Strengthening partnerships: Establishing new collaborations with like-minded companies and organisations to pool resources and skills.

The O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY cooperative group aims to be an inspiring example of what can be achieved by a company that puts people at the heart of its concerns. By promoting the professional inclusion of people with disabilities and raising awareness of this issue among its stakeholders, O3 proves that it is possible to combine economic performance with social responsibility. Thanks to the commitment of its employees and the quality of its solutions, the Group is well on the way to becoming the world's most successful mid-sized adapted cooperative. By continuing along this path, O3 will contribute to building a more inclusive and fairer world of work for all.

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