CSR strategy

CSR Roadmap for the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY Cooperative Group.

Looking to the future, our commitment to meeting social and environmental challenges is strengthened by the 17 universal sustainable development goals drawn up by the member states of the United Nations in a sustainable development programme.

In order to become the most successful medium-sized adapted company in the cooperative form, the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY cooperative group has drawn up a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) roadmap structured around three main areas. The 2025-2030 roadmap includes a strong economic pillar based on the best Banque de France rating >1-.

This roadmap meets the expectations of all our stakeholders, and is broken down into nine priority issues, eighteen performance indicators and their associated targets.

Area 1: Inclusion and well-being of employees

Issue 1: Promoting inclusion and diversity

Reducing inequalities

Performance indicators :
Percentage of employees with disabilities (% target: 60%)

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Issue 2: Improving well-being at work

Good health and well-being

Performance indicators :
Employee satisfaction rate
(% target: 90%)
Number of well-being and balance sessions (target: 3 new sessions per year)
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Issue 3: Skills development and careers

Quality education

Performance Indicators :
Number of hours of training completed  (% target: > 5% of hours paid)

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Area 2: Environmental excellence

Issue 4: Reducing the ecological footprint

Combating climate change

Performance Indicators :
Reduction in CO2 emissions (% target: -20% CO2 emissions / FTE in 5 years)

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Issue 5: Use of green technologies

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Performance Indicators :
Percentage of green technologies used (% target: 50%)
Number of electric/hybrid vehicles in the fleet (target: 100% in 5 years)
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Issue 6: Sustainable resource management

Responsible consumption and production

Performance Indicators :
Reduction in energy consumption (% target: -15% in 5 years)
Volume of water saved (% target: +10% in 5 years)

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Area 3: Economic, social and cooperative commitment

Issue 7: Strengthening links with the community

Partnerships to achieve objectives

Performance indicators :
Number of partnerships with associations (target: 3 new partnerships/year)
Number of community projects supported (target: 5 projects/year)

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Issue 8: Ethical and transparent governance

Peace, justice and effective institutions

Performance Indicators :
Publication of GA reports (target: 2 reports/year)
Stakeholder satisfaction rate (% target: 95%)
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Issue 9: Internal cooperation and collective development

Decent work and economic growth

Performance Indicators :
Participation rate in internal cooperation projects (% target: 90%)
Number of cooperation meetings organised (target: 4 meetings/year)

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This CSR roadmap for the O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY cooperative group, by integrating these three main areas and setting specific objectives, is committed not only to promoting inclusion and cooperation, but also to actively contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This approach enables us to create a positive long-term impact, while meeting the expectations of our stakeholders and strengthening our position as a benchmark adapted company.

ISO 26000 social responsibility

According to the AFAQ 26000 model, our assessment places us at the confirmed level, with more than 500 points, and our ambition is to reach the exemplary level within 3 years.