What is a Adapted Company?

The cooperative group has been an approved Adapted Enterprise since 2017 In accordance with Article L5213-13-1 of the French Labour Code, they "enable their employees to carry out a professional activity in an environment adapted to their abilities, so that they obtain or keep a job".

The ACs provide employees with specific support designed to help them realise their career plans, develop their skills and move within the company itself or to other companies". These companies must employ at least 55% of workers with disabled worker status (Ministère du Travail, du Plein Emploi, et de l'Insertion, 2022).

In order to achieve sustainable employment, three major aspects are activated by the AE for the employee: employment, support and training according to the needs and abilities of each person employed. The employee's access to employment is either within the company itself or with another employer, whether public or private.

Adapted companies play an essential role in creating wealth and generating sustainable, high-quality jobs in a variety of sectors. They enable people with disabilities to achieve professional fulfilment and social inclusion. At O3, you can build your career and move up to different positions and responsibilities, or you can just stop by to acquire new skills.

"At O3 EXPERTS, we are convinced that work is a source of fulfilment and self-fulfilment, provided that it is collective and meaningful. Aware of the difficulties faced by people with disabilities in gaining access to employment, we want to implement innovative digital and organisational solutions to facilitate the professional inclusion of everyone, especially people with autism. [Their time at O3 EXPERTS should enable them to develop their talents and skills in a stimulating, friendly and appropriate environment. This time spent at O3 is intended to be a real springboard.

In this context, the CDD Tremplin (springboard fixed-term contract) tested in 2018 and renewed in 2023 is a particularly relevant system that has been widely implemented within the O3 experts Adapted Enterprise cooperative group. This fixed-term contract of 4 to 24 months, specific to adapted companies, aims to promote the professional integration of disabled workers. It provides them with their first work experience in an adapted environment, while enabling them to develop their skills and prepare their transition to long-term employment, either within the adapted company itself or with other companies in the mainstream market.

In this way, adapted companies and the CDD Tremplin together contribute to the social and professional inclusion of people with disabilities, by offering them concrete opportunities for professional development and stability.

The O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY cooperative group is also
a militant group and a member of the National Union of Adapted Companies (UNEA)